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Be Like Rose: Run for Office

Meet Rose Walker, an inspirational ESP who ran for school committee—and won!
Rose Walker
Rose Walker, shown here with two top supporters (her daughters), won a school committee seat last year.

Elementary paraeducator Rose Walker helps bring struggling readers up to grade level at Farwell Elementary School in Lewiston, Maine. In 2019, she ran for office for the first time, vying for a seat on the Auburn, Maine, school committee. And she won! 

What inspired you to become politically active?

I had a growing interest in politics and how unions help support educators and students, and I was looking for opportunities to be active in my association. I campaigned at some #RedForEd events at our statehouse, and I worked with my local on membership recruitment. Then I learned that the Ward 1 School Committee seat, which is where I live, was open. I’m a parent, and I have a 5-year-old who attends school in that district. I really wanted to add an educator voice to the school committee. I built my confidence to run by attending See Educators Run, NEA’s candidate training program.

How did See Educators Run help you prepare for your campaign?

The program connected me with a community of individuals that were all seeking the same thing: to win their campaign. The diversity within the community helped us become aware of opportunities and challenges a campaign can face. Why is it important for educators to hold office? I come into school every day, and I see kids who need a hug. I see kids who need a change of clothes. I see kids who really need a minute to decompress from their weekends. I think what’s really important is that teachers feel supported, that teachers have the necessary tools to do their jobs and take care of students and make sure they have a safe learning place.

What do you hope to learn in your new role?

There are some hard conversations that we need to have about some of the racial bullying incidents and other tensions in the community. My goal is to bring everyone to the table and collaboratively find ways to solve some of these problems.

What do you say to other educators to get them involved in the union and politics?

People who want change need to step up and do. People can either accept what they have or they can try to make that change. I think that everybody needs to come together. Whether it is a small input or a large input, everybody has something to contribute. 

Learn how to run for office—and win!

If you are an educator considering a run for office, check out See Educators Run. At this three-day training, NEA experts and top political consultants will help you develop the confidence and skills you need to run a successful campaign, including:

  • How to prepare to run
  • Fundraising basics
  • How to communicate effectively with voters
  • Tips for recruiting volunteers and running a field operation
  • Policy talking points to use on the campaign trail

Find out more at  


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