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NEA News

‘You’ve Got This!’

It’s October. Putting aside the tricks of zombies and monsters—and D.C. politics—let’s focus on treats, and especially let’s focus on treats for the new teachers and education support professionals in our schools. 
Published: October 3, 2019

It’s October! Putting aside the tricks of zombies and monsters—and D.C. politics—let’s focus on treats, and especially let’s focus on treats for the new teachers and education support professionals in our schools. 

This time of year, the frenzy of the first days of school has settled down. Names are learned. The copy machine mastered. New routines have become … routine. And now, as new-job, new-classroom, new-shoes excitement fades to ordinary, new teachers face something really scary: the idea that THIS IS MY LIFE NOW AND IT’S REALLY HARD.

New teachers, we’ve all felt this way. Old (oops, I mean veteran) teachers—this is where we come in. 

None of us should feel alone in this work that we’ve chosen. We are brothers and sisters in this great union family, and united in the NEA vision of a great public school for every student. As educators and union members, we have so much more in common than we often realize. 

And yet, I remember feeling a little bit alone that first year of teaching. And I know how much I appreciated my colleagues who popped their heads into my classroom or sat down at my tiny desk to chat, who shared their science supplies and lesson plans with me, and the best way to handle Michael when he was in a bad mood. They told me in a thousand ways, “You’ve got this.”

A lot has been written about the teacher shortage. So many, too many, schools across the U.S. started the school year without highly qualified educators in every classroom. I have lots to say about this, too. (For example, how about we pay teachers more, or fund public education as if we care about public education?) But right now, I’m talking about the new teachers who strapped into the ride, who shot for the moon—and landed down the hall.

In recent years, NEA has dedicated hundreds of thousands of dollars in NEA Great Public School grants to local and state associations that aim to retain new teachers. Many of these projects pair new educators with formal mentors, a strategy proven to help educator retention. Others are investing in professional development for new and early educators in trainings and workshops led by NEA members and offered through local and state affiliates. New educators, check out the offerings from your local and state associations! And definitely take a look at SchoolMe at for “life hacks, tips, and advice” for new teachers and education support professionals, including a podcast, video series, blog posts from experienced educators, and monthly webinars. (Guest contributors welcome, too!) 

But sometimes, a new educator just needs a friend. You can be that friend. Be the smile someone needs. Be the hug. Let your colleagues—new and not-so-new—know, that WE’VE got this.

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National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.