The NEA Teacher Quality department supports teachers throughout their careers as they engage with students, colleagues, and school improvement. All students deserve quality teachers who are engaged with their schools and communities, and the NEA provides programs and opportunities that assist teachers throughout their professional journey.
No matter where you are in your teaching journey, the NEA has resources and programs available to you.
The Aspiring Educators program supports teacher candidates as they prepare to enter the classroom.
The Early Career Educators Learning Labs and Leadership Institute programs support teachers in both their classroom practice and in understanding their leadership journey as a professional.
Community schools are a proven method of school improvement that includes wrap-around services for students and puts importance on the quality of teaching.
For experienced teachers, National Board Certification and our Teacher Leadership Institute focus on building teacher leaders into the future.
In addition to these educator support programs, Teacher Quality also works on local, state, and federal policies related to Educator Quality issues (e.g. teacher preparation, teacher induction, teacher licensure, teacher leadership).
So, whether looking for specific individual professional supports (e.g. micro-credentials) or trying to better understand teacher-related policies, Teacher Quality is the NEA’s home for these issues.
The Importance of Professional Learning
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