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Two teachers walking down hallway

This Back to School Season, Join Your Union

When educators are heard, respected, and given the resources we need, we can give students our very best. With more members like you, we will have an even stronger voice to improve our daily lives and the lives of our students.
Students and teacher sit around a table and look up into the camera

We’re here to make sure every student & educator succeeds.

The National Education Association (NEA) is more than 3 million people—educators, students, activists, workers, parents, neighbors, friends—who believe in opportunity for all students and in the power of public education to transform lives and create a more just and inclusive society.
becky pringle
The time is now to unite behind Kamala Harris, a champion for students, public education and working families, rather than a convicted felon who wants to tear down our nation and destroy our democracy so only the wealthy can benefit.
Quote by: Becky Pringle, NEA President

Our best hope for student success is you.

Your passion and commitment are crucial to helping all students—of all colors and backgrounds—learn, grow, and fulfill their potential. Here’s how you can get started.
young girl seated at table looks up from her drawing and into the camera

Be a voice for each and every student.

Students have a right to a safe, welcoming, and affirming learning environment in a school that respects and values them and is free of bias. Learn about issues affecting our students and how you can help students succeed.
Male math teacher with glasses teaching a lesson

Advocate for your rights & working conditions.

Those who serve our students and communities need the support, resources, and working conditions to excel in their work. The power and influence of the NEA community are here to help you understand your rights and improve your working conditions.
teacher leans over a table of seated middle school students to talk to them about a lesson

Achieve professional excellence and become a leader in your profession.

Being an education professional requires passion, dedication, confidence, and resilience. Our community helps educators at all stages in their career become leaders in their profession, in their union, and in their communities. Explore how you can achieve professional excellence and mentor others through leadership development.
Closeup of crowd at the Freedom to Learn Rally in Orlando, Florida

Advance justice with us.

Institutional racism prevents students from getting the opportunities they deserve. See how you can bring racial and social justice into our schools and transform our communities.

Are you an affiliate?

Jump to updates, opportunities, and resources for NEA state and local affiliates.

Our journey began more than a century ago. Yours starts now.

We’ve spent decades working for students and educators—but, there’s still more to do. Like our progress during the civil rights and women’s rights movements, we need to dig in and speak up for the students and educators who are still facing inequality every day.

Let’s get real

Let’s bring real change

Let’s get real

When classroom materials are inclusive of LGBTQ+ people and history, LGBTQ+ students experience less harassment and do better in school.

Let’s bring real change

Close up of Keith Willard standing underneath a Pride flag
“I thought that despite my due diligence in selecting books, I had done something wrong. The books that were chosen were deliberate and mirrored the stories of the LGBTQ+ youth in the club. I felt very alone, and suddenly the library and my work for students were a liability. That is, until my union called me and provided support.”
— Keith Willard, social studies teacher, Pennsylvania
Read: Keith Willard was targeted for creating a safe space for LGBTQ+ students

High school students in career and technical education (CTE) programs are more likely to remain in school and graduate on time.

Let’s bring real change

Three high school students in chef attire in their high school kitchen
“I didn’t really make friends throughout middle school because I didn’t understand the language. What I really resorted to was food. I went home. I made food. I had fun! Once I came to high school and saw that I could have fun making food, that I could compete for my future, I was like this is what I have to do.”
— Nellie Beato (center), high school student and cooking competition winner, New Jersey
Step inside the kitchen with Nellie and her team as they prep for their next cooking competion

Thirty-three percent of all school support staff working full‐time earn less than $25,000 per year, and 11 percent earn less than $15,000.

Let’s bring real change

Jariza Rodriguez
“They eliminate positions and then increase our workload by redistributing the work of those eliminated to those of us who are still here. A lot of us, even in higher education, have second jobs or live with roommates just to make ends meet. We aren’t asking for much. None of us expect to get rich. But we deserve a living wage because we are essential.”
— Jariza Rodriguez, administrative assistant, University of Massachusetts-Boston
Read: New Rule on Overtime Will Boost Pay for Thousands of School Support Staff

What’s on Your Mind?

We’re here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (guides, reports, trainings, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We’re here to support you in whatever you need.
Hispanic Heritage Month Banner

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

To help celebrate and educate about the contributions of Hispanic Americans and Hispanic culture, check out our curated list of lessons, activities, videos, and more.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.