Together, we can achieve better Educator Pay & Benefits
The Educator Pay Gap
Educators make 81 cents on the dollar compared to their professionals with similar experience and credentials. To make matters worse, this educator pay gap is growing, forcing many out of the profession and creating a teacher shortage crisis that threatens our students and communities.

Educator Pay Facts

Run a Successful Campaign for Better Pay

Do Educators in Your Area Make a Living Wage?
The Educator Pay Gap, Explained
Collective Bargaining
Collective bargaining gives educators a voice. NEA members negotiate for more than their economic security—they also advocate for increased funding and the resources and opportunities their students need.
The “Bargaining for the Common Good” approach leverages collective power in new ways to build strong partnerships with parents, students, and other community stakeholders. By coming together around common values, we can bring in more public resources, reduce class size, increase student learning time, reduce unnecessary testing, and gain affordable health care for children and their families.

Collective Bargaining: What it is and How it Works

The Benefits of Collective Bargaining

Advocating for Students
What is "Bargaining for the Common Good?"
Retirement Security
Pensions provide a secure and dignified retirement for millions of working people.

Why are Pensions Better Than 401(k)s?

Are Pensions Causing our Teacher Shortage?

Retirement Security Challenges

Responsible Pension Investment

On Capitol Hill

Public Pensions Reduce Retirement Inequality

Take Action
The importance of pensions
Health Benefits
NEA and our Collective Bargaining and Member Advocacy Department (CBMA) team works closely with state and local affiliates to secure quality, affordable, comprehensive health coverage. We offer expertise to affiliates working in both bargaining and non-bargaining contexts.
- Tactical and strategic advice on health benefits and health policy issues,
- Assistance with bargaining proposals and initiatives in labor-management health care committees,
- Making sense of your health insurance options.
Understanding the different types of heath insurance