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Educator Pay and Student Spending: How Does Your State Rank?

Educators are underpaid compared to other professionals. NEA's 2022 review quantifies teacher salary and student spending in your state.
Published: April 23, 2021 Last Updated: April 21, 2023

NEA’s annual reports on educator pay, which provide data covering everything from the average teacher salary to state spending on students, show that the current educator shortage—when coupled with other factors such as the pandemic and the chronic underfunding of public education—is real.

And, unless we reverse course and start treating educators and the professions they represent with respect, it will have a direct impact on students. 

The four NEA reports are:  

  • Rankings and Estimates provides a wide array of school funding statistics and includes the average teacher salary by state and nationally. 
  • Teacher Salary Benchmark Report provides information from nearly 12,000 local school districts on starting teacher salaries and salaries at other points of the teaching career continuum. 
  • ESP Earnings Report offers a breakdown of educational support professional (ESP) earnings for K-12 and higher education. 
  • Higher Education Faculty Salary Analysis looks at faculty and graduate assistant salaries at the national, state, and institutional level. 

Read more from NEA Today   Educator Pay Gap

Key Findings

Highlights from this year’s reports, which include national and state-by-state averages, include:

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