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Professional Learning

Phenomena-Centered Science in your Classroom

Centering your K-12 science instruction around phenomena can build student engagement and understanding.

At a Glance

We’ll explore key aspects of science instruction, share NGSS-aligned resources for the new school year, and consider strategies (like Driving Question Boards) that support science in your K-12 (possibly virtual) classrooms.


  • Digital & Virtual Learning
  • Student Learning


  • Phenomena-Centered Science
  • Digital Learning
Developed by:

National Education Association

Last Updated: February 22, 2021


Audience Role

  • Teacher


  • Elementary School
  • High School
  • Middle School

Session Length

1 Hour, 12 minutes

Session Format


Centering your K-12 science instruction around phenomena can build student engagement and understanding.  We’ll explore key aspects of science instruction, share NGSS-aligned resources for the new school year, and consider strategies (like Driving Question Boards) that support science in your K-12 (possibly virtual) classrooms.

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Merritt Island High School Physics teacher and mentor Diane Wallschlag (Left) with her mentee and high school science, biology and chemistry teacher and colleague, Andrea Williams (Right).

Improve Student Success with Great Public Schools Fund Grants

NEA's GPS Fund provides grants to state and local affiliates and partnerships that demonstrate leadership in enhancing the quality of public education. Learn more about our award criteria or connect with other educators about how they're using GPS funds by becoming a member of EdCommunities, NEA’s online professional learning community. Then enter key word “Grants" in the search function and join the “NEA Grants 4 Great Public Schools” group.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.