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Professional Learning

Social-Emotional Learning: Social-Awareness (Independent Study)

In this course, you will learn to ask essential questions of yourself, raise awareness as to the impact of your social and ethical norms on your practice as an educator, recognize your personal network of supports and expand your skills in empathizing with those who have a different perspective from yours.

At a Glance

Learn how to take the perspective of and empathize with others to understand social and ethical norms for behavior and to recognize family, school, and community resources and supports.


  • Culturally Responsive Education
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Educator Self-Care
  • Family & Community Engagement
  • Racial & Social Justice


  • Identify and confront bias and inequity in your life ―internal and external.
  • Determine actions to disrupt those patterns of bias and inequity in your day-to-day experiences and environments.
  • Recognize, label and respond to inequity and barriers to access of opportunities.
  • Expand your knowledge and understanding about isms and their relationship to oppression and the impact they have on equity and access to opportunities for you and others.
Developed by:

National Education Association

Last Updated: January 21, 2021


Session Length

6-8 weeks

Session Format


Enroll in this course here.

This is a program NEA makes available for affiliate use as a professional offering to educators. NEA Social-Emotional Learning: Relationship-Skills Blended Learning modules may already be offered through your local or state association. Please contact your state or local association if you are interested in getting a blended learning cohort started.

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National Education Association

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The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.