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Professional Learning

Technology for Instructional Coaches - Micro-credentials

This stack of nine micro-credentials is intended to teach the technical skills needed to facilitate professional learning in a variety of settings as well as how to grow your own professional network and troubleshoot basic technology problems

At a Glance

Instructional Coaching is linked to successful classroom practice. As we move into the 21st Century and the world becomes flatter it is important for instructional coaches to develop the skills needed to mentor, coach and teach in virtual environments. This stack will help coaches hone their skills for working online in both synchronous and asynchronous online environments. This stack is tool agnostic and focuses on skills rather than technology. To help support classroom teachers transition to remote learning, educators can now adapt artifacts to classroom instruction activities. For example, if the artifact asks you to create an online learning forum, create one for your students, or if the artifact asks you to have a virtual meeting do this with your students instead of adults. If you have questions about this please go to the help center and fill out the form.


  • Digital & Virtual Learning
  • Peer Mentoring & Collaboration
  • Professional Leadership
  • Student Learning


  • Learn strategies to support the formation of safe, productive, and professional relationships in online settings.
  • Learn strategies and digital tools to engage learners in asynchronous learning.
Developed by:

National Education Association

Last Updated: November 25, 2020


Audience Role

  • College & University Faculty
  • Teacher


  • Higher Education

Session Length

Approx. 15 hours per micro-credential

Session Format


Individual micro-credential topics include: 

  • Building Relationships Online
  • Connected Educator- Growing Your Professional Network
  • Curating Content
  • Facilitating A Virtual PLC
  • Introduction to Online Netiquette
  • Providing Asynchronous Feedback to Learners
  • Troubleshooting and Providing IT Support to Educators
  • Virtual Engagement Strategies for Asynchronous Learning
  • Virtual Engagement Strategies for Synchronous Learning

NEA Micro-credentials are offered at no cost to NEA members. Non-NEA members will be charged a $125.00 scoring fee per micro-credential at the time of submission. The full list of available NEA micro-credentials can be found at:

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