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School-Based Mental Health Services Grants

The National Education Association strongly believes that mental health services are a necessity in school buildings to meet the needs of all students. Below is a summary of federal grant programs that support efforts to increase school-based mental health services and programs.
Published: April 6, 2023
Funding Source Pertinent Allowable Uses Description Examples
IDEA Part B Individualized Education Programs; Services, supports, and accommodations; functional behavioral assessments; behavioral intervention plans; early intervening services. law that works to ensure that all children with disabilities are able to access a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.
ESSA Title I Part A counseling and mental health services; MTSS; PBIS; community mental health partnerships; mentoring; professional development. Funds can be utilized as mental health services are an allowable school improvement strategy.
ESSA Title I Part D Coordination of health and social services (childcare, substance abuse counseling, and mental health services) Funds can be utilized if there is a likelihood that providing allowable services will help children complete their education.
ESSA Title II developing programs and activities that increase the ability of teachers to effectively teach children with disabilities, including children with significant cognitive disabilities, and English learners. formula-based funding to each state education agency for improving teacher quality overall and “provid[ing] low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers.”
ESSA Title IV Part A Districts must use at least 20% of these funds on efforts to improve student mental and behavioral health, school climate, or school safety, which could include: comprehensive school mental and behavioral health service delivery systems, trauma informed policies and practices, bullying and harassment prevention, social–emotional learning, improving school safety and school climate, mental health first aid training, and professional development activities. Funds will be allocated to states using the Title I funding formula; states will then allocate funds to LEAs using the same formula. Specialized instructional support personnel must be involved in the development of district plans and applications for these funds, which must include a needs assessment that examines the needs for improvement in three key areas: (a) access to and opportunities for a well-rounded education, (b) safe and supportive conditions for learning, and (c) access to personalized learning experiences supported by technology. One state has utlitized funds to launch a Mental Heralth First Aid training that teaches participants about mental health and substance use issues.
School-Based Mental Health Services Grant Program Increasing the number of credentialed school-based mental health service providers; promote the respecialization and certification of existing menal health service providers; increasing the diversity, and cultural and linguistic competency, of school-based mental health providers. The purpose of the SBMH grant program is to provide competitive grants to State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and consortia of LEAs to increase the number of credentialed mental health services providers providing school-based mental health services to students in LEAs with demonstrated need. One district proposes to offer a multi-tiered approach to K-12 mental healthcare by providing clinical programs, professional learning, and telehealth services to promote mental health best practices and build a mental health continuum that supports the needs of every student.
Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Program Innovative partnerships to train school-based mental health services providers; increase the number and diversity of high-quality providers; develop mental health career pathways. The Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Program provides competitive grants to support and demonstrate innovative partnerships to train school-based mental health service providers for employment in schools and local educational agencies (LEAs). One university intends to utilize grant funds to provide financial support to students who are recruited and accepted to the Ed.S program.
Project AWARE Building collaborative partnerships; implement mental health related promotion, awareness, prevention, intervention, and resilience; ensure students have access to appropriate and effective behavioral health services. Project AWARE is a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) spread over five years to both build and grow mental health services and behavioral health education within the awarded districts. One state will utilize funds by partnering with 3 LEAs and 2 behavioral health partners to deliver care through telehealth. This state intends to outfit 1 room per school to deliver telehealth services.
Project Prevent Grant Program Offer affected students mental health services; support conflict management programs; implement other community- and school-based strategies to help prevent community violence and to mitigate the impacts of exposure to community violence. This program provides grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) impacted by community violence and to expand the capacity of LEAs to implement community- and school-based strategies to help prevent community violence and mitigate the impacts of exposure to community violence. One state will utilize funds to develop a comprehensive program that leverages the expertise of both LEAs and community based mental health staff to meet the needs of all students. The project will have LEA and community health staff receive professional development through multiple frameworks, as well as MTSS and TBRI training for school staff, community partners, students, and families. The project will also create calming and play therapy rooms and implement group interventions to better target services to students as well as hosting family university and summer camp to create linkages with community-based organizations.
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Providing mental health services and supports, including through the implementation of evidencebased full-service community schools. The American Rescue Plan Act’s (ARPA) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) provides more than $122 billion to help pre-K through grade12 students recover from lost time in schools by supporting their mental health, as well as their social, emotional, and academic needs. One state is partnering with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to expand school health clinics and is requiring clinics to provide behavioral health screenings, counseling, and crisis response.
Medicaid States can expand their school-based Medicaid programs, which will allow them to reimburse for school-based mental health staff who work with students covered by Medicaid. Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that helps cover medical costs for some people with limited income and resources. The federal government has general rules that all state Medicaid programs must follow, but each state runs its own program. Some state Medicaid programs partner with LEAs to help promote school-based behavorial health services; 4 states take advantage of the reversal of the free care policy by expanding Medicaid reimbursements for school-based services provided to children without IEPs. Several states have increased reimbursements for school-based providers.
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Stronger Connections Grant Program Implementing comprehensive, evidence-based strategies that meet student social, emotional, and mental well-being needs; create positive, inclusive, and supportive school environments; and increase access to place-based interventions and services; Engaging students, families, educators, staff, and community organizations in the selection and implementation of strategies and interventions to create safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environments; Designing and implementing policies and practices that are responsive to underserved students, protect student rights, and demonstrate respect for student dignity and potential. Provides $1 billion in funding to SEAs to be distributed under Title IV, Part A of the ESEA. The BSCA specifies that SEAs must make competitive subgrants to high-need LEAs), foractivities to support safe and healthy students under section 4108 of the ESEA. The Department has designated BSCA section 4108 funds as the Stronger Connections grant program to distinguish it from the regular Title IV, Part A, Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants program, which funds a broader range of activities, including activities to support well-rounded educational opportunities and the effective use of educational technology.

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