It’s time to deliver Opportunity for Every Student
Before we passed ESSA, our schools with the greatest needs couldn’t access the funding they deserved. They were punished by standardized tests results used to measure entire school systems. But we know that student success is more than a score. That’s why we fought for a law that would ensure states look at meaningful measures of school success.
Thanks to ESSA, now is the time to raise your voice to help build opportunities for all students! What does your school need to create those opportunities? Who can help meet those needs? How can your school community work towards those goals? How do you measure excellence in your school community?
We’ve created simple but effective tools to help you understand the law, determine your school community’s biggest needs, take action to meet those needs and find funding to implement your plans. Let’s make sure zip codes don’t determine the quality of education. Let’s raise our voices together to bring opportunity to every student.
My School, My Voice

Get Oriented

Identify Needs

Build Bridges

Connect With Communities

Find Funding

Advocate for Change
Raising Our Voices