Result List

From the Classroom to Becoming ‘Education Governor’ to Vice Presidential Candidate

Student Vaping Still a Health and Safety Issue in Schools

Teaching in the Age of AI

An Educator’s Guide to Cracking the Code

Aspiring Educators on Why They Choose to Teach

Teachers Win “Banned Concepts” Lawsuit

The Political Power of Education Support Professionals
Special Sections
Member SpotlightMembers make it work finding ways to connect when they live in remote places.
Issues and ActionMembers go straight to the top to ask for what they deserve.
Human and Civil Rights AwardsEducators gather at annual ceremony to honor individuals creating lasting change.
In the KnowAP African American studies, places to live in the US, advocating for bullied students, and more.
Becky's JournalNEA's president visits our newest affiliate and promotes the power of union membership and educator's voice at the ballot box.
NEA in ActionNEA is helping educators win better working conditions and more resources for students.
Our VoicesHear from Tom Zigan, former vice president of WEAC-Retired.
Last LookHear from Chef Ron Ossi and five of his students who recently won a statewide competition.

The time to act is now
In just a few short weeks, American citizens across this great nation will have an opportunity to go to the polls and vote for the candidates of their choice from the local level of government to our nation’s highest office—the President of the United States.
As retired educators, we understand the significance of elections for the future of our country, our profession, our families, and our daily lives. By now, we should be exhausted from our work in our communities and states to ensure that everyone eligible to vote is registered, that we have retirees signed up and ready to serve as poll workers, and that rides to the polls have been scheduled for those who need them. By now, we should have made sure that those inside and outside our circles understand the facts about the candidates and where they stand on issues related to education and to our livelihoods as retirees.
But, as much as we have done to get to this point, we can’t stop now. We must continue until we cross the finish line on November 5th.
Once we cross that finish line, I am pleading with you to honor the choice of every individual so that when the election is over, we, as Americans, can come together with respect for one another and find consensus where we can. There is no place for violence before or after this election. Every individual is unique, with the special talents and experiences we need to move our great nation forward.
NEA-Retired President Anita Gibson

NEA Today, October 2024

NEA Today for Aspiring Educators, 2024