No faculty member wants to be the “sage on the stage” anymore. Few students learn much by listening to endless lecturing.
But what should faculty do?
With practical advice on topics including interactive lecturing, evidence-based instruction, and more, NEA’s library of Thriving in Academe guides can help faculty to help students learn. Each is written by a faculty developer, specifically for NEA, and intended to be useful for all faculty, whether you’re new to the profession or an experienced college-level educator.
Interested in writing for Thriving in Academe? Have other questions? Email Thriving editor Larissa Oliveira Pires, instructional services coordinator at Georgia Southern University, at [email protected].
Read our Latest Issues

Beyond the Checklist: What Does Good Teaching Look Like?
Thriving in Academe February, 2023
- Accidental UDL: A Silver Lining of the COVID Pandemic
- Energize Your Classroom with Emotionally Engaging Teaching
- How to be a better advisor to students.pdf
- Small changes that you can make to your teaching today.pdf
- How to get your students’ attention.pdf
- How to teach creative thinking.pdf
- Giving good feedback to students.pdf
- Using technology outside the classroom, not inside.pdf
- The seven ways of learning.pdf
- Fighting against stereotype threat in your classroom.pdf
- How iOERS can help with the distracted classroom.pdf
- A better way to grade.pdf
- Becoming a better college teacher.pdf
- Rethinking office hours.pdf
- Small teaching tweaks that make big changes.pdf
- What’s going on in other college classrooms?.pdf
- Empowering first-year students.pdf
- How to do more effective small-group work.pdf
- A strengths approach to online teaching.pdf
- What we can learn from research on teaching.pdf
- Exploring chaos theory in teaching.pdf
- How faculty can map their own boundaries.pdf
- Learning from turning points in our teaching lives.pdf
- Becoming a model teacher.pdf
- Teaching through generative paradoxes.pdf
- Teaching for deep learning.pdf
- Making SLO assessment productive and fun.pdf
- Overwhelmed? Are You Guarding the Wrong Tower?
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