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Comprehensive Induction and Teacher Mentoring

While all novice teachers need support, they have individual needs—just as their students have diverse learning and cultural needs. Comprehensive induction and teacher mentoring allows for customization to meet educator needs, allowing beginning teachers and students to thrive.
Published: June 24, 2020 Last Updated: June 24, 2020

Districts with high teacher turnover rates spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to recruit and hire new teachers. Further, districts in communities with high poverty rates are often the most impacted by high teacher turnover. These district investments don’t yield their full potential dividend when teachers leave within the first or second year after being hired.  

The investment in quality induction and teacher mentoring support not only retains teachers in the profession, but also has a long-term impact on student achievement. Securing funding for a comprehensive induction and mentoring program may seem daunting, but districts may be able to align federal and state resources to leverage local resources. 

Few beginning teachers participate in comprehensive induction programs. Yet nearly all pilots, firefighters, doctors, and nurses receive on-the-job comprehensive training after being hired. Novice teachers should receive the same complete support when hired and begin teaching in the classroom. 

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