A Guide to NEA's Teacher Quality Programs
To support quality teaching, NEA develops policies, products, services, and information that:
- Support the professional growth of NEA members,
- Increases the diversity of the teaching workforce,
- And advances promising models of teacher recruitment, preparation, licensure, advanced certification, teacher leadership, and other forms of professional supports.
An Overview of NEA's Professional Learning Programs
Watch this short video to learn more about NEA programs and resources that support your professional growth.
Recruit and Engage New and Early Career Educators
The first five years are crucial for early career educators (ECEs) as they translate their teacher preparation experiences to classroom realities. Our Early Career Learning Labs (ECLL) and Early Leadership Institute (ELI) programs are designed to inspire, engage, and retain ECEs through member-led, personalized, professional and social emotional supports. These programs also support ECEs as they learn to become effective leaders and advocates for their students, coworkers, and profession.
Support Professional Excellence
Great educators create great public schools. The following member-created and member-led programs provide the training, tools, and community support for educators to engage students, nurture justice, and excel in their profession regardless of where they are in the teaching continuum.
- JumpStart
- Blended Learning
- Webinars
- Micro-credentials
Pop Up Practices Videos
Advance Racial Justice in Education
NEA’s vision for great public schools includes a diverse classroom—including educators. These programs are designed to create community, support professional practice, grow leaders, and inspire excellence. By leveraging the collective power and voice of our teacher leaders and school community, we can work to end the systemic patterns of racial inequity and injustice that affect our Association, schools, students, and communities.
- Coaching and Mentoring Institute
- Community Schools
- Early Leadership Institute (ELI)
- Teacher Pathway Leadership Institute (T-Path)
Increase Educator Voice, Influence, and Professional Authority
Nobody knows what educators need better than educators. Yet politicians and others outside of education often believe they know best. By amplifying educators’ voices, we can build opportunities for students to succeed in schools where all feel safe and welcome. Our Teacher Pathway Leadership Institute (T-Path) program is designed to grow and develop the next generation of teacher leaders to strengthen the teaching profession, inspire innovation, and provide direction for the future.
Learn more about T-Path and other TQ programs
Affiliate Resources

Professional Supports Resource Guide

Micro-credentials Resources for Affiliates

Teacher Quality Calendar