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Child is vaccinated

Vaccine Resource Center

NEA encourages widespread use of safe and effective vaccines for educators and students. We've collected the following information and resources to help educators and parents make an informed decision about how best to protect themselves and their students.

Importance of Vaccines

Childhood vaccination is essential because it helps provide immunity before students are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases.  Pediatricians have seen a sharp decrease in vaccinations since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, a trend that could lead to greater disruption of school. When students are not vaccinated, they are at greater risk of getting diseases like measles, flu, COVID-19, and hepatitis B. Ensuring that students and educators are up to date with their vaccinations is one of the best ways to protect against serious but preventable diseases.   

COVID-19 and Flu in Schools

Why are we encouraging educators and students to get vaccinated? It’s simple:

  • It's safe and effective. The vaccines currently being administered in the U.S. have passed the Food and Drug Administration's rigorous standards for safety and effectiveness. To date, millions of people have been safely and effectively vaccinated against COVID and the flu.
  • COVID and flu vaccines are widely available. To find a vaccination site near you, text your zip code to 438829, call 1-800-232-0233, or check out this interactive map.
  • It's free. Like most childhood vaccines, the COVID vaccine is free—either through insurance coverage or a federal program administered by a local government or community clinic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a portal for locating a free vaccination site near you.
  • It's convenient. Most students and educators will be able get a COVID booster at the same time they receive their flu vaccination. 

How do I get a vaccine?

Educators and school personnel in K-12 schools now have access to the COVID-19 and the flu vaccine. Find COVID-19 or flu vaccines near you ›
  • Maryland

Public Health Resources

school cafeteria food shortages


CDC’s information on how schools can support COVID-19 vaccination.
Nurse applies a bandage to a child's arm

American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics website on COVID-19 vaccines for children and their vaccine campaign toolkit, which includes detail including sample social media posts.
photo of two female food service workers in a cafeteria

Public Health Communications Collaborative

The Public Health Communications Collaborative material on vaccines for children.

COVID-19 Vaccine Resources

Doctor gives covid injection to teen

Are Vaccines Safe?

Millions of people age 5 and above have safely received vaccines. Learn more about the rigorous testing vaccines undergo in order to be approved for use.
teen girl shows bandage on arm after covid shot

How Effective Are the Vaccines?

Every day, as more vaccines are administered, there's mounting evidence that the vaccines protect people against COVID-19, including severe illness.
teen boy outside school

How Do the Vaccines Work?

Learn how each vaccine works with your own immune system to protect you from contracting COVID-19.
Nurse applies a bandage to a child's arm

Which Vaccine is Right for Me?

Learn more about the main COVID-19 vaccines available in the U.S.
A mom puts a mask on her son

What to Know Before You Go

Getting ready for the big day? Find out what to expect, what to bring, and more.
woman collaborating online

Join the Community of Educators Navigating COVID-19 Together

Join our Facebook group to connect with NEA members in your states and locals to seek and share important information about how COVID-19 is affecting your communities and what’s being done to support your students and one another.
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