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elementary students drawing a mural of school

Together, we can ensure Safe School Communities

Resources to help support students, cope with crisis, and advocate for safer schools.

Every student deserves to feel safe at school. Since 2020, the number one cause of death for kids in America are guns. In 2020 alone, 4,300 children died from firearms and many of today’s youth have grown up practicing active shooter drills in schools. Educators are increasingly expected to transform from nurturers to first responders at a moment’s notice—having to react and decide the best ways to protect their students based on the circumstances. 

This is unacceptable and preventable. The solutions may not be simple or easy, but we know they start with two things: common sense gun reform and mental health supports.    

NEA remains committed to ending gun violence in our nation’s public schools and communities, through legislative action, crisis preparation, and supporting the mental health, education, and well-being of every student and educator.  

three educators wear orange and carry signs to protest gun violence

New! Gun Violence Prevention and Response Guide

A school should be the safest place in any community. That's why NEA and the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund created a guide to help state and local leaders, members, and staff prevent, prepare for, respond to, and facilitate recovery from gun violence in all education settings. Use this guide for planning, advocacy, and as a complement to planning, preparation, and action by school administrators.

Take Action on Gun Violence

Students can’t learn if they feel unsafe or if they are dealing with trauma from incidents that happen outside school grounds or are worried about how to get home safely.

To keep students safe—in our schools and in our communities— we must limit access to guns in the first place by providing universal background checks, banning assault-style weapons, passing red flag laws, and other legislation.

Helping Students Cope

texas school shooting

Talking to Students About the Texas Elementary School Shooting

NEA President Becky Pringle and Texas State Teachers Association President Ovidia Molina devastated by the loss of young lives amid a culture of guns.
ESP helping student with their mask

Grief and Loss Resources for Educators and Students

The experience of personal loss weighs heavy on all of us, especially now as we continue adapting to a new way of life.
Father talking to son while sitting outside

Talking With Children About Tragedies & Other News Events

Guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics
upset Asian girl student sitting on school steps

School Shooting Resources

Fact sheets, online courses, and tips for parents and others working child welfare from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network
sad boy looking out a window

Trauma-Informed Schools

Resources and information on addressing trauma and supporting children who experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
NEA President Becky Pringle testifies before a Congressional Committee on Gun Violence
“Pass common-sense legislation so that not one more community is shattered, and not one more anguished parent has to lay a precious child to rest.”
Quote by: Becky Pringle, NEA President

Resources for School Leaders

Educators hold up signs that read Protect Our Schools

NEA’s School Crisis Guide

A step-by-step outline of what to do before, during, and after any school or community crisis.
Empty indoor school basketball court

Keeping Our Schools Safe

Everytown for Gun Safety's plan for preventing mass shootings and ending all gun violence in American schools
"Victims" are led out as members of the Fountain Police Department take part in an Active Shooter Response Training exercise at Fountain Middle School in Fountain Colo.

Helping Students Cope with Active Shooter Drills

It’s back-to-school time and students will soon be practicing lockdown and active shooter drills, an unfortunate consequence of a new normal in America.

'Hardening' Schools Doesn't Work

Gun violence in schools continues to rise despite steady increases in security and law enforcement staffing, data shows.
mental health resources

Funding for Mental Health Programs

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act unlocks over $1 billion in additional funding for mental health and other services. Here's how your state can maximize support for students and educators.

Fostering Student & Educator Mental Health

School counselor supports a young student during a group session

Student & Educator Mental Health

Our school communities need mental health supports for every student to thrive. Find school resources, background information, and ways to make a difference in your community.
elementary students meditating during class

Resources on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Student and Educator Mental Health

Supporting our students’ and educators’ mental health with social emotional learning (SEL) helps the whole school community thrive.
school counselor

Preventing Violence & Bullying

One of the most important things educators can do is to become educated about bullying in our schools. NEA provides two types of professional learning opportunities for our members.

Preventing Hate & Bias in Schools

lgbtq mental health

New Survey Data Shows LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health Crisis

The pandemic and recent anti-LGBTQ+ legislation has taken its toll on LGBTQ+ students. Educators, together and as individuals, can help. Feeling safe on campus, or at school, makes a difference.
pronouncing student names correctly

Why Pronouncing Students' Names Correctly is So Important

What's in a name? Sometimes everything, so educators should be aware how repeatedly mispronouncing it can have a lasting, negative impact. Getting names right can help create a learning environment in which all students feel valued and respected.
Kennita Ballard works with a student in the classroom

What Does it Mean To Be an Anti-Racist?

Being ‘not racist’ is not enough. Learn from these educators how you can help dismantle systemic racism in your school.
Teacher with elementary school students

Join the Movement

Becoming a member of the National Education Association connects you with a movement of educators supporting each other. We are a community that will help you advocate for the funding, resources, and support you and your students deserve.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.