Published: December 16, 2020
Last Updated: December 13, 2023
School is a place where childhood happens. A place where children of different places and races learn from the past, make sense of the present, and prepare for the future. Yet, for too long, Black and brown people in America have been denied equality because of the color of their skin. Help students learn about one legendary activist in the struggle against racial injustice, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The lessons and activities below will help students put in perspective Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life, his impact on the Civil Rights Movement, and his significance to American culture and history.
More Resources for Racial Justice
Whatever our color, background, or zip code, we want our children to have an education that imparts honesty about who we are, integrity in how we treat others, and freedom to pursue our dreams. For years, certain politicians have denied some children the resources needed for a quality education based on what they look like or where they live. Review and share the resources below to share the truth of our history, so we can learn from the mistakes of our past and honor leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. who stood up to racism and changed our country for the better.

Pledge to Support Honesty in Education
No matter our color, background, or zip code, we want our kids to have an education that imparts honesty about who we are, integrity in how we treat others, and courage to do what’s right.

Sample School Board Resolution: Spark Curiosity & Critical Thinking To Prepare All Students To Thrive
NEA has developed a sample resolution and guidance for community engagement that can be used as a template for local school districts to create their own school board resolution. The model resolution contains a commitment to affirming inclusion of all students, respect for educators as professionals, and support for a proven, research-based, culturally-responsive education.

What the Research Says About Ethnic Studies
Interdisciplinary ethnic studies help foster cross-cultural understanding among students of color and white students, and aids students in valuing their own cultural identity while appreciating the differences around them.
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