Educators implementing the blended learning model must incorporate various combinations of in-person instruction and virtual learning both synchronously and asynchronously. The resources below provide ideas, strategies, tools, and best practices to help educators adapt to this new mode of instruction.
What is Blended Learning?
Blended Learning is an education program that integrates a virtual and face-to-face learning environment for students. In a blended learning environment:
- The student has some control over place, path, and pace of learning;
- Learning usually occurs through an integrated curriculum;
- The learning cycle flows best when unpacked as pre-learning activities that prepare students to engage in both the virtual and face-to-face learning environment;
- The next phase of learning is the instructor-led session in which the educator directs student activities to ensure that learning goals are met; and
Post-learning activities in which the educator uses evaluative data to provide appropriate assignments that reinforce and expand learning goals.
Instruction Resources
Active Learning for Online Classroom provides information on how to use Zoom to apply five active learning strategies.
Best Apps & Websites for a Flipped Classroom lists resources to help educators create, curate, and deliver content to enhance asynchronous learning.
Distance Learning Playbook is a guide for instructional planning to promote intentional use of technology to meet learning goals.
PBS Learning Media provides a collection of programs and documentaries and learning resources that are linked to teaching standards.
Top Tech Tools for Formative Assessment provides a curated list of tools to help teachers and students check for understanding.
Support Structures Resources
How to Accommodate Learning Styles identifies three primary learning styles and offers tips on instructional techniques to accommodate each.
30+ Tools for Diverse Learners contains information on Universal Design for Learning apps and websites to help incorporate flexibility into online learning environments.
What is differentiated instruction? An online resource that contains in-depth information on how to plan for and employ differentiated instruction best practices.
Meeting Digital Needs of Underserved Families is a short video sharing tips and ideas for supporting students in their digital needs.
NEA Equity in Digital Instruction for Special Education offers guidance on meeting the needs of special education students during school closures.
NEA LGBTQ Checklist provides educators with a tool to assess their virtual classroom for LGBTQ supports.
NEA Online Checklist for Social Justice provides guidance on planning online instruction to ensure equity for all students.
Evaluation Resources
Adobe Spark gives students the ability to make creative graphics, web pages, and videos to demonstrate learning.
AnswerGarden is a tool for online brainstorming or polling that educators can use in real-time to see student feedback on questions.
BrainPOP provides videos and quizzes on countless topics to shape lesson plans and see what information stuck.
ClassKick allows teachers and classmates to provide feedback on a student’s assignments. It also allows students to monitor their progress and work.
Flipgrid lets students use 15-second to 5-minute videos to respond to prompts, on which teachers and classmates can provide feedback.
Formative This online, all-student response system provides teachers the opportunity to assign activities to students, receive the results in real time, and then provide immediate feedback to students.
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