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NEA Urges House to vote YES on Resolution Recognizing Congressional Workers' Right to Organize

The educators of NEA believe this privilege should be afforded to all working people.
Submitted on: May 10, 2022

U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative:

On behalf of the 3 million members of the National Education Association, proud union members who teach and support 50 million students in 14,000 communities, we urge you to vote YES on H.Res. 915, “A Resolution Recognizing Congressional Workers’ Rights to Organize.” Votes on this issue may be included in the NEA Report Card for the 117th Congress.

NEA members are fiercely protective of their right to come together to organize and fight for the resources and support they need and deserve on the job. This right acknowledges that they are trusted professionals who have the education and experience to make decisions that will lead to student success.

The educators of NEA believe this privilege should be afforded to all working people. Many members of the House share this belief and advocate for the principle that working people, from educators to machinists, deserve to have a voice on the job—not only on matters affecting pay and benefits, but also on the conditions in which they work. It only seems fair to apply that principle to the staffers who devote their careers to supporting the work of Congress, and protecting and advancing the interests of the United States and all Americans. 

Supporting the right of House staffers to organize, free from retaliation, is not simply the just thing to do; it would also have practical benefits. The right to collectively bargain may reduce staff turnover and improve the ability to recruit and retain high-quality staff members who come from a diversity of backgrounds. It would also grant staff the respect they have earned for the difficult work they do, under circumstances that are increasingly hostile and even dangerous. Some who work in the legislative branch have been unionized for decades—it is time that congressional workers have this right as well.

We urge you to vote YES on H.Res. 915 and support your staff members in their quest for a voice in the workplace.


Marc Egan
Director of Government Relations
National Education Association

National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.