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NEA Today January 2020

In this issue: As suicide among young people reaches epidemic proportions, educators on the front lines are learning how to answer the cry for help. Topics also covered include privatization of school staff and educator salaries.
NEA Today January 2020
Published: January 1, 2020

Cover Story: ‘Are You Thinking About Suicide?’

As suicide among young people reaches epidemic proportions, educators on the front lines are learning how to answer the cry for help. 

A New Generation of Career Ed for the 21st Century
Today’s Career and Technical Education prepares students for lucrative high-tech careers and a greener future.

Why the 2020 Census Matters for Every Student
An accurate census is the critical first step to addressing the needs of students.

We Need a President Who’s With Us
NEA’s Strong Public Schools campaign aims to keep education front and center in Election 2020. Meet these educator-activists who are making their voices heard.

  • Rudy Duenas
    A tireless advocate for public education, Rudy Dueñas knows too well the climate of fear many of his students live in.  
  • John Ross
    John loves his job, but not the financial struggle that comes with it. He intends to support a presidential candidate who is serious about improving teacher pay nationwide and making college debt more manageable.

Privatizers Set Their Sights on School Staff
Education support professionals and substitute teachers are more vulnerable than ever to outsourcing. Find out how they’re fi ghting back—and winning!

When a Bake Sale Isn’t Enough
An industrious teacher in a crumbling classroom crowdfunds money for an extreme classroom makeover. Learn how you can raise funds for your school, too.

How Higher Salaries Could Save the Teaching Profession
Schools across the nation are experiencing a teacher shortage, but professional pay could open the pipeline.

Don’t Junk Your Old School Bus, Repurpose It!
“Shorty” the school bus got a high-tech face-lift—complete with LED lighting, fl at-screen video monitors, and hardwood floors—thanks to the ingenuity of the Birmingham City Schools Transportation Shop and their career technology students.

Issues and Impact

When will states step up on school funding?
Get the facts about how educator protests have won substantial increases in school funding

Melinda Padley-Jones: Wouldn’t It Be Better For Our Students
Iowa ESL teacher and grassroots activist Melinda Padley-Jones who through her union has gotten more involved in activism.

People and Places

‘There’s No Learning Without Safety’
As incidents of racism and LGBTQ discrimination persist, educator-trainer Toni Smith works to create safe schools for all students

Kentucky Educator Gives Student a Lift
Kentucky educator Jim Freeman helps a student who uses a wheelchair join a school hiking trip.

Teaching and Learning

How to Find Human Connection in a High-Tech World
How technology can help you build connection with colleagues and students.

Three Classroom Apps to Prioritize Your Day
Want to be more organized and work more efficiently? Here are some tools that can energize your teaching by making the rest of your life simpler.

Health and Lifestyle

Build Healthy Habits for a Healthy Year
These tips for self-care and classroom cleanup can help you stay healthy during flu season.

Lily's Blackboard

Educators play an essential role in tackling the nation’s suicide epidemic.

Editor's Note

From crisis intervention to finding needed funds for classrooms, educators always put their students first.

Talk Back

A Glaring Omission

I always enjoy reading through your articles as an NYC public school teacher. Although the October issue was well-written, I would like to give you feedback on the cover of your magazine. The title reads, “Let’s Talk About Race,” yet I do not see anyone representing the East Asian race. I was perplexed to see no one representing my race even though I had suff ered multiple years of racism growing up as an immigrant in the NYC public school system. I would like to challenge you to take a more inclusive stand next time you talk about a broad topic such as race.

- E.  GLUS

Every Educator Deserves a Living Wage

I cannot add anything to this article (“Profile in Persistence”) that everybody doesn’t know already. I have been a teacher for 31 years, and I drive Lyft at night and on weekends to make ends meet for my family. My son is graduating high school this year, and we have no savings to pay for his college.


Remember the Counselors

I appreciated the article, “The Growing Mental Health Treat-ment Gap.” There is a crisis in our schools. However, I would also suggest that school counselors (especially at the elementary schools) not be forgotten in the list of needs.


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