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Member & Activist Spotlight

Alejandra Guerrero Morales: Finding My Voice with NEA

Alejandra Guerrero Morales, a special education teacher in Salem, Oregon, shares how NEA helps her to speak up for her students and their families.
Alejandra Guerrero Morales is a special education teacher in Salem, Oregon.
Published: June 15, 2020

My initial idea of the union was more industrial. It’s more than that. The union is involvement, advocacy, and leadership. It builds leaders and forms partnerships. Our local works really hard to connect with the district and community to involve all of the stakeholders, which I appreciate—and I’m proud to say that my local does that.

I first became aware of the union when I met president from my district. She talked about supporting early career educators, like me, and brought me in. It was a great experience knowing that I do have a voice—especially since I know the district on different levels.

I grew up in the Salem-Keizer area and attended public schools in the district. I understand my community. Knowing the district’s background and knowing where my students come from, I’m able to share in their experiences—especially when they’re feeling like they don’t belong.

That’s how I’ve built relationships with my students, and then being able to reach out to the community and the parents and families of my students.

With the union, I have the platform to speak up for my students and their families. I would have loved growing up to have had someone—who looks like me—to have done that for me.

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