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Member & Activist Spotlight

Chris Dier: They Deserve It

Chris Dier is a U.S. History Teacher in New Orleans and our 2021 H. Councill Trenholm Memorial Award recipient.
Chris Dier
Published: August 9, 2021

My mother inspired me to become an educator and taught me to stand against injustice. She is in her 46th year of teaching. As a teacher, myself, it is my goal to inspire students to change their own lives and to change their communities, as well.  

As a history teacher and author, it's important to recognize that the past historical figures I write about should always encourage us to take action in the present to create a better future for our students because they deserve it. 

I firmly believe that teachers should not be on the sidelines when people are facing harm. Our care for our students and for others should not be confined to the classroom. We should advocate outside of the school building, as well, whether it's marching for Black Lives Matter, protesting the rise of Asian American hate, protecting immigrant students, or standing with LGBTQ students. We should be fierce advocates for our students. 

As Bishop Desmond Tutu once famously said, ‘if you are neutral in situations of injustice you have chosen the side of the oppressor,’ and teachers should never remain neutral.


Teacher with elementary school students

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