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ESP Webinar Recordings

Did you miss one of our monthly professional development webinars for education support professionals? View them here!

Information for Recorded Webinars

  • Personalized Certificates
    Emailed copies of personalized certificates are available for participants of live webinar sessions only once verification of attendance has been completed. Instructions on how to request a personalized certificate is provided during the live session.
  • General Session Certificates
    General session certificates are available for participants of live and recorded sessions. Instructions on how to obtain general certificates for completing live or recorded sessions are provided during each recorded session. NOTE: General session certificates are not available for recorded sessions identified as “informational."
  • Affiliate Viewing Events
    NEA affiliates may host recorded webinar viewings as a local or state professional development opportunity. Personalized certificates for all participants of affiliate hosted viewings will be made available. Contact Jessica Brinkley for more information.

General Certificate-Eligible Webinars

The following sessions include a certificate for PD hours.

Informational-Only Webinars

The following sessions do not include a certificate for PD hours.

Spanish-Language Webinars

La National Education Association (NEA) ofrece una serie de capacitaciones en línea para profesionales de apoyo educativo hispanohablantes 

Vea la lista completa de capacitaciones >

ESPs join together for 2019 conference

NEA ESP National Conference

The annual NEA ESP Conference is the premier professional development opportunity for education support professionals across the nation.
National Education Association

Great public schools for every student

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA's 3 million members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.