At a Glance
NEA staff will deliver MLTP training sessions in two phases—the first for emerging leaders and the second for experienced leaders.
- Culturally Responsive Education
- Positive School Environments
- Professional Leadership
- Develop leadership skills
- Enhance communications skills
- Learn effective decision-making processes
- Develop a better understanding of the dimensions of assertive behavior
Developed by:
Last Updated: March 9, 2021
Audience Role
- Education Support Professional
- Teacher
- Elementary School
- High School
- Middle School
Session Length
Sessions can be tailored to the needs of the state or local affiliate
Session Format
Developing a Vision
Learn about the importance of having a vision for individual and organizational growth.
Understanding the Association
Explore the structure and workings of NEA—including the relationship among governance, staff, and programs.
Communication Receiving
Enhance your communications receiving skills by learning to identify and overcome barriers to effective listening.
Communication Sending
Enhance your communications sending skills by identifying various methods of sending messages.
Decision Making
Explore the effect of individual differences on group decision-making.
Assertiveness for Emerging Leaders
Learn to differentiate among passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors.
Running for Office
Get practicable, step-by-step intelligence on putting together a winning election campaign.
Organizational Leadership
Learn how to be an effective organizational leader in the Association.
Request a Training
Ready to advance racial and social justice with us? Complete the form below to request a training. We will respond within 2 business days.
We look forward to working with you!
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