Our goal as educators is to make sure that all students gain the knowledge and skills they need to be college- and career-ready at graduation, regardless or learning style or needs.
Achieving this goal means taking an inclusionary approach to supporting students with differing abilities, from adjusting curriculum to intentionally discussing differences to explicitly teaching tolerance and kindness.
These practices allow students to learn how to build relationships and empathize with others, advocate for themselves and others, and build bridges among diverse groups.
None of this work would be possible without the skilled work special education teachers, paraeducators, and SISPs (Specialized Instructional Support Personnel) do, including:
- Co-teaching and supported instruction
- Adapting curriculum materials
- Developing and managing Individual Education Programs
- Consulting with parents and general education staff
- Coordinating with other service providers
NEA offers several microcredentials to help members gain new skills and tools to support their students, such as “Functional Behavior Assessments and Intervention Plans” and “Introduction to Universal Design for Learning.” We encourage you to browse our library and join us on EdCommunities to trade ideas, advice, and best practices for creating school cultures that celebrate and support all students.
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How to Identify Bullying

How to Create Welcoming Schools