Want to plan a Read Across America event, but don't know where to start? Don't sweat it: It's as easy as A B C and 1 2 3:
Review the recommended titles in the Read Across America calendar.
Choose from ideas for sharing books in the calendar and all kinds of ways to celebrate with stories that best fit your school or community. Plan one big March activity or schedule monthly reading fun—or plan both!
Launch a Diverse Books Challenge or look for ways to tie-in featured books and activities to existing activities on your school calendar and your curriculum.
Use these titles and resources whenever and however it works best for you. These books and activities can fit anywhere, anytime of year.
Get books! Visit the NEA page on the First Book Marketplace to find titles featured in the calendar and the poster, as well as other high-quality titles. First Book makes these titles available at affordable prices to educators serving children in need. Sign up at firstbook.org/NEA. Look for titles not available from First Book at Scholastic (scholastic.com/teachers/home/).
Need more help? Join us on Facebook for ideas to help you celebrate reading on special days, every month, or on Read Across America Day, along with helpful promotional and communication tools—like our Read Across America logo.
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