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Celebrate a nation of diverse readers with these recommended books, authors, and teaching resources.
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All Kinds of Ways to Play with Stories to Celebrate NEA’s Read Across America

Stories are at the heart of Read Across America. Use these resources to help create space for storytelling of all kinds to be shared out loud, from oral history to personal stories to spoken-word poetry.
Teacher and students sitting a story circle outside in a park
Published: January 3, 2022

Powerful and memorable, stories help us understand who we are. Connecting kids to diverse stories offers them different perspectives and helps them to see how others think and feel. When we hear each other’s stories, we are more likely to care about and trust each other. Show real interest in what kids are saying and ask substantive questions that lead to kids to feel safe to share their own stories, happy or sad. The stories they have for you are a gift just waiting to be heard!

Here are some event ideas, activities, and resources to inspire kids and teens with the art of storytelling and to create joy and connection in your classroom, school, and community.

Celebrate a nation of diverse readers with these recommended books, authors, and teaching resources.

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Are you a teacher, librarian, educator, author, or devoted book worm? Join the Read Across America Facebook group to share resources, ideas, and experiences as we celebrate a nation of diverse readers.
National Education Association

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